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Kevlar V Belts for Lawn and Garden Applications: Durability, Strength, and Optimal Performance
In the world of lawn and garden equipment, reliability and durability are key factors that...
 19/09/2024  (503)    (7)

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A27K  - Kevlar V Belt A
  • A27K  - Kevlar V Belt A
  • A27K  - Kevlar V Belt A

A27K - Kevlar V Belt A

Reference: A27K A Kevlar Belts
Top Width: 1/2 in
Height: 5/16 in
Length: 27 in Inside, 29 in Outside
Equivalent to: Gates 6829 , Vapormatic V4L290, Jason MXV4290, Pix AK27 , Dayco L427, Bestorq BTQ-4LK27- BTQ-4LK290, Dealers Choice 4K29DC, Maple Groove Distr 224-29, Stens 24829- 248029, Pirelli-Tisco 48X290, Thermoid 4H290,

Description: A27K Fractional Kevlar belt
* Length: 29 in Outside
* Top Width: 1/2 in
* Height: 5/16 in
* Inside Length: 27 in
* Material: Dry wrapped aramid cord
* Recommended use: Higher horse power uses and are designed to increase strength and stability and are also designed to have a smoother grip. The material helps resist humidity, high temperatures, oil and cracking
* Cross Reference For: A & I Mega-Cross 44710, Allis Chalmers 14843, 2029451, 9304, Ariens/Gravely 1567, 3111, 34X27, 344947, 7206, Ariens/Gravely Tiller: Rt5020, Rt7020, 901001, 901002, 901003, 901004, 901005, 901006, 901007, 901008, 901010, 901026, Atlas 1074, 1108462, Bantam 151360, Bolens 1108642, 113033, 175361, Bostwick-Braun 48X290, Bolens 9304, Burns 9304, Canada 9304, Choremaster L429, Co-Op 9304, Durk.-Atw Xhd4290, Engineering Products 8271B Mtd/Cub Cadet 84290, Exmark 224-029, Fate-Root-Heath R240, Falls 15242P1, Family Farm & Home 1616174, Ford 332051, 4H290, 9304, Gamble Skogmo R240, 10171, 73887, General Leisure Products 530050021, 537356M1, Gilson J2290, 14843, 248-029, 9304, Goodyear A-85004, Henderson 313267, Homko 20368, Homelite 9304, Huffman 10034, Jacobsen 13881, 314546, 314564, 332051, 34X24, 382069304, Kansas City H843, Lambert Mxv4290, Lawnmaster 10171, 1032290, Lambert 1201, Lazy Boy 125062, 410267, Lambert 43124, Locke 6109B Mtd/Cub Cadet 617, Magam 079-2242, Massey Ferguson 1023608M1, 1032290, Maple Grove Dist 2290, Massey Ferguson 53987, Middlesworth 107-4, Midland 44720, 47117, Mono Gvb417, Montgomery Wards 1016174, Moto-Mower Co 10562, Montgomery Wards 165130, 1713067, 237453, 7540239, 75429, 810029, 9304, Mtd/Cub Cadet P54239, 10171, 754-0265, 754-0287, 754-239, 7540265, 7540287, 754239, 9304, 9540265, 9587, Noma/Amf/Dynamark 205029, 4460692, Orgill 792242, 1R0665, Oregon 754-0239, Pirelli 48X290, Power Trim 66-429, Rotary 127472, 13267, Roof 6088, Rotary 75-429, Rugg T716, Savage 8011, Sears/Roper/Ayp 10171, 213076, 478962, 512M, Roof A-520320, Sears/Roper/Ayp 560590002, Senator 9304, Simplicity 14843, 158389, 161489, 2027709, 2029451, 20368, Silver Streak 6829, 77094, Snapper A-10063, 10111, 11575, 205429, 205429, 47200, 8011, Stens 248029, 271-40, Steiner 81Ea332, Thermoid 4H2900, 4K29Dc, Dealers Choice 4L290K, , Tisco 509548, Toro/Wheel Horse 14843, 1569, 157683, 27140, 274630, 31X24, 530050017, 72024, 7472, Trail Mate 68355A Parker 725920, Trac Vac 8671B Blue Grass 8671B Hannibal Mower 8671B Western Auto 9304, Wagner V4L0290, Western Auto P54239, R192, Western Auto 1023436M1, 151360, 754-264, 754265, 9540239, West Point Ariens/Gravely Riding Mower: 408, Worchester 81-094, Yazoo/Kees 20843A Rugg 20843A Tuff-Bilt 21170, Bolens Et127,
* V-belts A27K are created with an outer rubber impregnated fabric cover that is extremely tough, wear resistant and crack resistant and Synthetic rubber throughout and true Kevlar tensile member. The A27K are very resistant to severe and repeated shock loads. The A27K are great for Lawn & Garden equipment of all types, Ag Equipment and all types of inductrial drives, especially where misalignment clutching or backside idlers are present.
Product Details

Data sheet

Belt Type
V Belt
Top Width
1/2 in
Kevlar (Aramid)
5/16 in
Outside Length
29 in
Inside Length
27 in